Accidentally posted this as a comment to the previous entry. As such the date displayed by the forums for this post will be incorrect.August 29th, Sunday 2010
I have many, many ideas... mostly for the story. To be specific I've been thinking about in-depth stuff such as character relations, how they will meet and know each other, and the possibility that not everyone is on the same side at the beginning of the game.
I like the concept that people have to come together from different point of views and work together to fight a common enemy, even if they aren't on the same side after the battle.
I'm also thinking about ways to make the story itself more complex. Maybe the main antagonist [Solron] doesn't become the "enemy in the spotlight" right away. Perhaps there is a different opponent to start with and he is introduced later.
We have a meeting tomorrow to discuss our progress so far and continue to plot the course of this story we are crafting.
I have much to write.